Donnerstag, 19. November 2009
Donnerstag, 5. November 2009
quality and accessibility - guidelines of future education
Every idea needs a movement but moreover every movement is in the need of a well prepared philosophy behind it.In my opinion this philosophy has to be simple. simple to understand, simple to use and simple to communicate.
Of course education should be free but this doesn´t mean that students should not be charged for it. I do not take a position in this discussion at this point, I just want to point out that this is not the question when we talk about free education.
Free education means free of any repression. There shouldn`t be ideology in it, no political, economical or social need which influence the choice, the direction or the content of education. Before we are able to complain anything or moreover create a movement we have to redefine education. We have to rethink the functionality and concept of education and its deeper sense.
Furthermore we have to detach ourself from the out-dated concept of “ first some one is going to show you how to do it and than you do it until you are to old to do it” . We have to become aware of the speed of changes in our times. At this point I want you to see the following video just to understand what I mean by speed of changes in our times.
We are living in a different time and education and labor is different too.
If I start thinking about education and labor, about the technology and speed of changes it becomes obvious to me that education has to change. We don´t have the time, the money, the facilities or other resources to keep on doing what we doing. Actually our education and labor policy is the reason why progress, innovation and as a result wealth for the people is shrinking and not growing. So what are we talking about. If I imagine that I would be able to follow my interest and co-working with other people it would make such a different. And if I imagine this would be possible to everyone ... I stop writing at this point to leave the discussion open. Just adding this second video to think about it!
I hope to read some comments...
Of course education should be free but this doesn´t mean that students should not be charged for it. I do not take a position in this discussion at this point, I just want to point out that this is not the question when we talk about free education.
Free education means free of any repression. There shouldn`t be ideology in it, no political, economical or social need which influence the choice, the direction or the content of education. Before we are able to complain anything or moreover create a movement we have to redefine education. We have to rethink the functionality and concept of education and its deeper sense.
Furthermore we have to detach ourself from the out-dated concept of “ first some one is going to show you how to do it and than you do it until you are to old to do it” . We have to become aware of the speed of changes in our times. At this point I want you to see the following video just to understand what I mean by speed of changes in our times.
We are living in a different time and education and labor is different too.
If I start thinking about education and labor, about the technology and speed of changes it becomes obvious to me that education has to change. We don´t have the time, the money, the facilities or other resources to keep on doing what we doing. Actually our education and labor policy is the reason why progress, innovation and as a result wealth for the people is shrinking and not growing. So what are we talking about. If I imagine that I would be able to follow my interest and co-working with other people it would make such a different. And if I imagine this would be possible to everyone ... I stop writing at this point to leave the discussion open. Just adding this second video to think about it!
I hope to read some comments...
Mittwoch, 4. November 2009
And it goes on!
Just got a mail that the protests are going to spread. Read yourself:
"This newly formed international movement aims to encourage public debates about the functions of public education systems for societies as a whole and the link between local problems within educational institutions and global economic forces. It wants to point out the necessity of free and emancipatory public education for any democratic society.
This issue impacts not only those directly affected by it within the institutions, but society at large.
Every group formulates their own individual demands in detail, but they all stand united in their struggle for free and emancipatory public education – worldwide!"
Get the newsletter on edu-movement.
If you are interested to become active yourself check the list with a lot of organizations.
Finally I found a translation of the demands of the students in Vienna which actually made a little more sense than their own formulation.
"This newly formed international movement aims to encourage public debates about the functions of public education systems for societies as a whole and the link between local problems within educational institutions and global economic forces. It wants to point out the necessity of free and emancipatory public education for any democratic society.
This issue impacts not only those directly affected by it within the institutions, but society at large.
Every group formulates their own individual demands in detail, but they all stand united in their struggle for free and emancipatory public education – worldwide!"
Get the newsletter on edu-movement.
If you are interested to become active yourself check the list with a lot of organizations.
Finally I found a translation of the demands of the students in Vienna which actually made a little more sense than their own formulation.
Montag, 2. November 2009
[in german] Auf nach Wien?
(Das Bild ist von derselben Seite. Ich hatte noch kein Glück die Zeitung um Erlaubnis für den Gebrauch zu fragen, darum, sollte es Probleme geben werde ich dafür sorgen das es vom Blog entfernt wird.)
Die neuen Forderungen der Proteste in Wien wird abstrus. Es scheint sich niemand Gedanken zu machen was der Unterschied zwischen dem "Ich will" und der Realität ist. Traurig.
Schlimmer wird es wenn man sich den für März nächsten Jahres geplanten Kongress anschaut. Anstelle wirklich über eine Lösung was das Bildungssystem angeht zu diskutieren wird da versucht gleich die ganze Welt zu verbessern. Von Rassismus über Feminismus zum Krieg. Kann man von so einer Gruppe überhaupt noch etwas erwarten?
Aber vielleicht kommen in dem Gewühl ein par Menschen zusammen die gleichermaßen an einer echten, realistischen Änderung interessiert sind. Eine zumindest konnte ich in den Kommentaren ausfindig machen. Ihr findet eine kritische Stellungnahme von Jana Herwig auf Digiom.
Noch ein Update:
Es scheint doch seriösere Leute in der Gruppe zu geben. Auf Gewure findet ihr eine Analyse der Vorteile der AudiMax Proteste.
Auf Socialhack verteidigt ein anderer Anonymous die Audimax Leute.
Noch eins: Habe auf Talking Antrophology einen Podcast über die Proteste gefunden. (Ich kam noch nicht dazu reinzuhören.)
Zum Schluss:
Die Debatte geht weiter und ich überlege mittlerweile ob ich mich nicht auch in Richtung Wien begeben sollte. Also vielleicht findet ihr hier schon bald einen eigenen Bericht.
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